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Conseil d'éducation communautaire 2
2025 CEC Elections Coming Up!
Starting on January 13th, 2025, parents will be able to apply to run for a seat on any of the 32 Community Education Councils and 4 Citywide Education Councils for which they are eligible. Then, candidates will campaign from late February through April, and finally, voting will take place from late April through May 13.
NYC Public Schools (DOE) will be hosting a Election Prospective Candidate Webinar on January 13, 2025, at 5:00 PM
RSVP Link. : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RTTlHkE_RYSVb3IZNMSanQ
NYC Reads: Wit & Wisdom Upcoming Information Workshops
As a part of our work to ensure our students have access to high quality, research-based literacy teaching and curricula, the District 2 Literacy Team and the Community Education Council 2's Wit & Wisdom Committee are hosting a series of virtual workshops for District 2 families. These sessions will focus on the Wit & Wisdom curriculum and literacy practice aligned to the science of reading. We invite you to share your questions and your children's learning experiences so far this year.
In order to best respond to your questions and interests, we are asking families to please fill out a questionnaire. We will design workshops around topics that are of interest to our District 2 families. We plan to schedule our first workshop in early November.